Frequently Asked Questions

Download neXt for your operating system from our server.

Windows: You should be logged on as administrator or your user should have administrative rights. This corresponds to the default user which was created while installing Windows. Execute the downloaded installer and follow the installation instructions. We recommend to use the default destination and features. Exit the installer and start neXt by clicking onto it's icon on the desktop.

Apple OSX: Install the neXt with an user with admin rights or authenticate with an administrative account by doubleclicking the downloaded installer. The neXt will be copied into your programs folder. Start neXt by clicking onto its icon.

In the event that our flight simulator only starts with an empty window:

In the event that our flight simulator does not work on your computer or only starts with an empty window, you should either uninstall your virus scanner or add neXt to the exclusions list. Please use the Windows 10 virus scanner. Other virus scanners only make the computer slower, but not safer.

Please do not hide the neXt folder and/or the files and folders it contains (path: C:\Users\ user name \Documents\neXt). Because then the simulator cannot find the settings file.

If you experience a lack of performance in next or it crashes on start up follow these steps:

Sometimes your system tries to use the slower onboard graphic chip which ends in a crash while starting the neXt. Do a right-click onto the neXt icon onto your desktop. Select from the context menu 'Run with graphics processor' and select then the better graphic processor, for example 'High-performance NVIDIA processor'.

What to do when neXt forgets own setups and license information:

Rename or delete the file 'C:\Users\ user name \Documents\neXt\prefs.ini'. This file contains all the user settings. If this doesn't help, rename or delete the complete neXt folder 'C:\Users\ user name \Documents\neXt'.

What to do if neXt does not start after installing an update:

If the file named 'Uninstall.exe' is present in the 'C:\Program Files (x86)\neXt\' directory, this file must be executed before installing a current version. Otherwise, you can simply install the current version over the old one.

  • There is a search field in the left lower corner. Select this field and type 'Programs and Functions'.
  • Windows will show the system program 'Programs and Functions' as a search result. Start it with a mouse click.
  • Search for neXt installations and uninstall all listed versions.

You won't lose any user data, settings or sceneries. Uninstalling the second version may display some error messages. However, this should not be a problem as the first uninstaller has already deleted these files. At the end, the folder 'C:\Program Files (x86)\neXt\' should be empty or not present.

Please never install an old neXt version from the DVD. Always install only the latest version from

The installer shows an error message: Installation directory must be on a local hard drive.

Trying to install our simulator (MSI installer) you may face this error. Even if you create yourself the installation directory on any of your local drives, this error message persists!

To fix this issue: open the Command Prompt as administrator and write the command msiexec /i followed by the path to your installer. For example: msiexec /i "c:\AnyPath\cgm_rc_flight_simulator_install-1677.msi"

This will run the MSI installer without errors. If not, add also this direction: WIXUI_DONTVALIDATEPATH=1. It now becomes: msiexec /i "c:\AnyPath\cgm_rc_flight_simulator_install-1677.msi" WIXUI_DONTVALIDATEPATH="1"

If this does not help, open the Windows program regedit as an administrator and search for 'flight_simulator'. The search should result in the following key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Installer > Products > (a number) > SourceList > LastUsedPath

Delete this entry, save the registry and restart the installer.

The installer shows the error message 2502 or 2503: The installer has encountered an unexpected error ...

This error occurs when the user rights of the temporary directory are wrong. Use the Windows file manager to navigate to the 'C:\Windows\Temp' directory and right-click on the Properties option. System, administrators and the respective username should have full access to this temporary directory.

What can you do, when the neXt crashes on program start on OSX 10.7 and higher:

  • Hold down the 'alt' key and click onto the Finder pulldown menu 'Go' and select there 'Library'.
  • Browse to these directories and delete all crash logs:
  • Library/Containers/com.Eiperle-CGM.CGM-rc-Heli-Simulator/Data/Library/Saved Application State/com.Eiperle-CGM.CGM-rc-Heli-Simulator.savedState
  • Library/Containers/com.Eiperle-CGM.CGM-rc-Heli-Simulator/Data/Library/Application Support/Crash Reporter/
  • Then select in the Finder pulldown menu 'Empty Trash...' to delete the crash logs.
  • If wrong graphics settings cause a crash, you should delete the preferences file.

If you constantly lose your license or transmitter configuration everytime you reboot your mac, you should delete the preferences file. Sometimes during applying OSX updates incorrect user rights will be applied to the preferences file.

How to find the preferences file of the neXt on OSX 10.7 and higher:

  • Activate the Finder (right click onto the desktop).
  • Hold down the 'alt' key (or shift key) and select in the pulldown menu 'Go to' the location 'Library'.
  • Browse to the 'Preferences' directory: Library/Containers/com.Eiperle-CGM.CGM-rc-Heli-Simulator/Data/Library/Preferences/
  • Delete or rename the file 'cgm.Eiperle-CGM.CGM-rc-Heli-Simulator.plist'. This file contains the user settings.
  • Sometimes it's necessary to delete the complete folder: Library/Containers/com.Eiperle-CGM.CGM-rc-Heli-Simulator. This folder will automatically be generated on restart of neXt.

This file contains the user settings (neXt v 1.45 and higher):

  • Macintosh HD/Users/ Your User Name /Library/Containers/com.Eiperle-CGM.CGM-rc-Heli-Simulator/Data/neXt/prefs.ini

This file contains the user settings (neXt v 2.0 and higher):

  • Macintosh HD/Users/ Your User Name /Library/Containers/com.Eiperle-CGM.CGM-RC-Flight-Simulator/Data/neXt/prefs.ini

If you experience a lack of performance in next or it crashes on start up:

The System-Logfile is very useful for locating the problem. In most cases, you can fix this by upgrading to the latest build of your Linux distribution.

How to find the preferences file of the neXt on Linux:

On Linux, PlayerPrefs can be found in ~/.config/unity3d/Eiperle-CGM/CGM-rc-Heli-Simulator

If the joystick configuration program does not work for you, you can reduce the dead zone using the terminal before starting the simulator. The example shows the parameters for an RX2SIM. Adjust the device name if necessary:

evdev-joystick --evdev /dev/input/by-id/usb-RCWARE_RX2SIM_Game_Controller_8D8B128C5751-event-joystick -d 0

  • start the simulator
  • press the esc key on your keyboard
  • change to the Settings > License tab and type in there your name, serial number and password. You will find the serial number and password on the invoice which came with the DVD or via e-mail.
  • then click on 'Add License'

neXt connects to our web server and will show a 'Status: Registered' message. If not, an error message will describe the problem. Sometimes a firewall or security program prevents the connection between neXt and our web server. Please change the settings of these program accordingly or temporarily disable the firewall/security program.

You can activate neXt up to two times. An activation is linked to your computers hardware (GPU serial number). Reactivation of neXt is not required after applying any updates. You can activate neXt several times on the same computer.

Before replace a computer you will need to remove the licence from the old computer. You can do this on the license tab.

  • start the simulator
  • press the esc key on your keyboard
  • change to the Settings > License tab
  • click on 'Remove License'

Before replace a computer you will need to remove the licence from the old computer. You can do this on the license tab.

  • start the simulator
  • press the esc key on your keyboard
  • change to the Settings > License tab
  • click on 'Remove License'

You have a V1.x license if you bought before May 1st, 2021. We like to offer you a discounted upgrade to a V2.x license.

After 9 years with many free V1 updates, we have updated to version 2. You can upgrade your V1 license to V2 in our shop or, of course, reinstall the v1 version. You will find the v1 version on the download page under previous versions:

Where are the downloaded sceneries located?

The download cache is located in 'C:\Users\ user name \Documents\neXt\sceneries\'.

Show the folder where sceneries are located:

  • Open the neXt menu using the 'esc' key and change to 'Scenery' tab.
  • Click onto 'Show Folder'.

How to find the recorded flights on harddisc:

You will find the recorded flights in your 'Documents > neXt > FlightRecordings' folder.
C:\Users\ user name \Documents\neXt\FlightRecordings

Show the folder where recorded flights are located:

  • Open flight recorder using the 'v' key.
  • Click onto 'Menu' and then onto 'Show Folder'.

How to find the screenshots on harddisc:

You will find the recorded flights in the 'Documents > neXt > Snapshots' folder.
C:\Users\ user name \Documents\neXt\Snapshots

Show the folder where screenshots are located:

  • Open the screenshot tool using the 'q' key.
  • Click onto 'Show Folder'.

Where are the downloaded sceneries located?

The download cache is located in Macintosh HD/Users/Your User Name/Library/Containers/com.Eiperle-CGM.CGM-rc-helicopter-Simulator/Data/neXt/AssetBundles/sceneries/

Show the folder where sceneries are located:

  • Open the neXt menu using the 'esc' key and change to 'Scenery' tab.
  • Click onto 'Show Folder'.

How to find the recorded flights on harddisc:

Macintosh HD/Users/ Your User Name/Library/Containers/com.Eiperle-CGM.CGM-rc-helicopter-Simulator/Data/neXt/FlightRecordings/

Show the folder where recorded flights are located:

  • Open flight recorder using the 'v' key.
  • Click onto 'Menu' and then onto 'Show Folder'.

How to find the screenshots on harddisc:

Macintosh HD/Users/Your User Name/Library/Containers/com.Eiperle-CGM.CGM-rc-helicopter-Simulator/Data/neXt/Snapshots/

Show the folder where screenshots are located:

  • Open the screenshot tool using the 'q' key.
  • Click onto 'Show Folder'.

How to find the music folder on harddisc:

C:\Users\ user name \Documents\neXt\Music

Show the music folder:

  • Open the neXt menu using the 'esc' key and change to 'Settings > Sounds' tab.
  • Click onto 'Select Music' and there onto 'Show Folder'.

Copy music files into these folder. neXt accepts wav and ogg files. You can then load your music (tab sounds) and start or stop it by pressing the 'n' key.

How to find the music folder on harddisc:

Macintosh HD/Users/Your User Name/Library/Containers/com.Eiperle-CGM.CGM-rc-helicopter-Simulator/Data/neXt/Music/

Show the music folder:

  • Open the neXt menu using the 'esc' key and change to 'Settings > Sounds' tab.
  • Click onto 'Select Music' and there onto 'Show Folder'.

Copy music files into these folder. neXt accepts wav and ogg files. You can then load your music (tab sounds) and start or stop it by pressing the 'n' key.

Hover Trainer for helicopters and multicopters:

Please choose a beginner helicopter, for example the Align T-Rex 550L Dominator. Then press the “1” key for switching to setup 1. This changes to a beginner setup.

Then start the hover trainer by pressing “t” on your keyboard. You can learn each control function individually, step by step. Of course, you cannot learn all in one day. 10 minutes in the evening is a good start.

During Hover Trainer, click on 'Select Training Mode' and select the first step: Aileron. Start with the model view from behind (rear). As soon as you can safely control the helicopter with aileron, choose the next step: Aileron Pitch. Keep progressing through all available training steps.

Once you can control all functions in this view, do the same for each of the other views (front, left and right).

Rescue function for helicopters:

Configure the self levelling function on the Training tab. Assign a transmitter switch to the self levelling in Settings > Input Device > Functions. While nothing else has been assigned you can switch the self levelling on and off using the 'p' key.

How to use the GPS flight modes for multicopters:

Some new flight modes are available for multicopters. They can be defined in the flight conditions and switched by using the transmitter.

Off: no stabilisation at all.
Attitude: stabilizes the model horizontally (self-levelling upright flight).
GPS Pos: stabilizes the model horizontally and keeps the position by using GPS. Set the GPS altitute rate to 1.
Return To Home: maintains the current flight altitude and the model will return to the take-off location (home).
GPS Attitude: stabilizes the model horizontally and keeps the position by using GPS. This is the behaviour of older multicopters.

How to view the training videos:

New training videos for learning: Roll, Turn, Funnel, TicTocs, Piro Flip, Piro Looping, Piro Circle, Piro TicToc.

  • Press the key 'v' to open the flight recorder.
  • Click on 'Menu' and load the desired animation.

Playback will be started automatically.

<<: backward
>: playback
||: pause
>>: forward

Spool through the recording by dragging the upper slider. Scroll picture by picture by using the cursor keys (left, right).

The lower slider adjusts the playback speed. The playback speed is shown in the info field, whereby 100% corresponds to the normal play direction and speed.

Switch the language if necessary:

  • Click on 'Menu' and select 'Sub-title'.

You have captured a flight with the flight recorder. How can you upload these to YouTube?

The recorder in the neXt captures only movement data. That's the reason why it's working also on a slower hardware. The resulting files need very low storage space on your harddisc. YouTube needs video streams. A video stream you can record with a screen recorder. For example, or

You can now use your own panoramic scenery pictures:

  • Create the cube map files in PNG format and place them into the 'C:\Users\ user name \Documents\neXt\CustomScenery' folder.
  • Start the simulator and change to the ‘Scenery' tab. Select 'Download Sceneries' and download the 'Custom Scenery'.
  • Load the 'Custom Scenery'.
    • The camera height is fixed at 1.60m.
    • Open the 'Scenery' tab again and select “settings" in the lower left area. Adjust the sun position as necessary.

You can use more than one custom scenery: Simply create another folder with the desired scene name in 'C:\Users\ user name \Documents\neXt\CustomScenery' in which you place the cube map files. To load the 'Custom Scenery', click on 'Settings' at the bottom left of the scenery tab and select the desired folder. The position of the sun in each custom scenery can be set individually.

How to create your own scenery with collision objects is described here.